
HOW to EXPECT a GOOD Superhero movie in 2017


This year a line up of Superhero movies will be released (again) and surely we are all expecting it to be GREAT if not good. But since 2016 has been a roller coaster ride in entertainment industries,  I think we could do some preparation to make this year a GREAT YEAR for Superhero movies. This February, I have been anticipating Lego Batman Movie and boy do they delivers - it is fun, action packed, wild, packed with great story telling, plot, superhero introduction and parody. It is pretty hard for other superhero movies to catch up with this, but I think we can make what future delivers to be much interesting BY REMINISCING the UGLIEST line up of the DISAPPOINTING SUPERHERO MOVIES. Just so the future movies not make you seem jaded or dull, this is some movies that been released in the past that will remind you to be thankful of what the future movies will be.

Now since it is actually been for quite some time that superhero movies has been released, I would set the bar from the movies that has been released from the year 2000 and up. So there will be no Captain America 1990's film and such.

1. THE HULK (2003)

Thor Ragnarok, or Thor 3 will be released sometimes later in the end of the year 2017. The powerful Norse god makes its debut in the theater and makes its way up in the later years as part of the Avengers. As one of the almighty member of the Avengers with the most powerful physique, Thor can match one of the other strongest member - The Hulk. So, to appreciate more of Thor movie later in 2017, we might as well see the counterpart that is pretty disappointing to watch.

The Avengers movie that we are now following until later summing up to the Infinity Wars (and perhaps beyond that) introduces us with the comic-friendly-fans-would-agreed Dr. Bruce Banner (and the Hulk) by Mark Ruffalo. Before that though, the Hulk has been re-introduce (after the T.V. Series)  in a motion picture in 2003 The Hulk directed by Ang Lee with Eric Bana playing as Dr. Bruce Banner. Although gain a divisive response by the fans, this movie is considerably a disappointing one by the fans, as the portrayal of Bruce and the Hulk is considered weak. This lead to a sequel reboot in later years, with Ed Norton playing the bit darker Hulk and Bruce - but it is not until later in The Avengers that fans would finally satisfied by the Hulk performances.

In 2003 The Hulk, the concept of the story telling though unique and comic-friendly, yet the stars in the movie shows weak performances that making this movie is a let down. The portrayal of the Hulk also delivered by a glowing green tone that perhaps works in the comic, but not too savvy in the projection in the live-action motion pictures. Nowadays, CGI has been implemented easily in movies to develops more action on the scene. This movie will remind us of how CGI used to be in a superhero movies, as well as the casting issue that thankfully Thor movie has no issue of nowadays (Though there may a controversial issue with Idris Elba, but I think we agree that he delivers a great performance playing as one of the characters on it).


Speaking of The Avengers, we couldn't forget what Captain America: Civil War with the introduction of Black Panther - to later synchronizing the story with The Avengers. We all probably could agree now that Chris Evans plays a spot on Captain America. Before that though (andI think you all know where I am going with this), he is not that unfamiliar with playing as superhero, as he already played it for some times in the Fantastic Four.

These famous series bomb the fans over and over, with weak and shallow characters and direction. Fans are disturbed especially with the performance of Invisible Woman who some say has been a waste use of Jessica Alba's talent (?). Though the studio production tries again in the sequel to introduce Silver Surfer, it is not able to brings the fans expectations, as it also introduces the LET-DOWN Galactus portrayal.

We could appraise the studio persistence, if it's not another let down. In 2015, the studio try to reboot and reintroduce us with the more darker and serious Fant4stic (That's the title, Fant-FOUR-Stic). However, it only gain a floppy 9% in rotten tomatoes, with score 3.4/10 in Imdb.

This sequels and the reboot is the perfect reminder for us to appreciate more of the now superhero movies, especially the group of superheroes movie that later will release in May 2017: Guardians of the Galaxy 2.


Now it is true that the studio that bring X-Men series are sometimes fluctuates its delivery to the fans. Sometimes they got praises, sometimes they let us down like in the movie X-Men Origins: Wolverine. Logan, which later will be released in March 2017, will be considered as the final summing up of The Wolverine franchise played by Hugh Jackman.The trailer looks well received by the viewers, but we couldn't have our expectation too much. X-Men Origins: Wolverine may be a good reminder to us.

Side-by-side, we kind of can see how it has transformed so much from the beginning of the three series (X-Men Origins: Wolverine, The Wolverine, and Logan). X-Men Origins: Wolverine brings us the most let down of all for all their sins by weak introducing of Gambit and Deadpool (Deadpool later get its own movie which is more fans friendly).

No matter how Logan may later shows up, at least now we can agree that at least it will not be another X-Men Origins: Wolverine (Or will it?).

4. CATWOMAN (2004)

Switching over to DC Comics now, giving Marvel a bit of a rest (another will comes up later, believe me). Wonder Woman play by Gal Gadot that has been introduced in Batman vs Superman, will be release in this Summer on June 2017. It looks by far in the trailer as a promising superhero movie, even though it looks pretty similar to Captain America: The First Avengers (World War background setting, the shield).

I (strongly don't) recommend Catwoman, played by Halle Berry in 2004 before watching Wonder Woman. Why? Well - you'll see...

5. SPIDER-MAN 3 (2007)

Finally, if later on June we have Wonder Woman by DC, Marvel will release Spider-Man Homecoming in July 2017. As the franchise now seemingly has been turned back to the MCU (with some deal with Sony, I don't know the process), Spider-Man will finally returned to the better root and in good hand, after some fail reboot attempt.

Before the reboot there has to be the cause, and the cause was the Spider-Man 3 in 2007. It fails terribly in portraying the infamously EMO Spider-Man, underrated Sand-Man and Venom, and fail pairing of Spider-Man and the Green Goblin. We all thankful after the Amazing Spider-Man is released to reboot what Spider-Man 3 has done, but then Amazing Spider-Man 2 root back to what Spider-Man 3 we try to forget and it is unforgiven. Thankfully, Spider-Man then being traded back to MCU after that, and we are kind of hopeful as it is now back in the good hands :)

That' all of the series of superhero movies that I think will makes you appreciate more of the upcoming superhero movies. I hope this have been kind of revealing. I'm sure there's another more disappointing movies out there, and I'll make sure to update once there's another material to write on. In the meantime, we can enjoy the start of the year in theater with some great movies.


What to expect and collect in 2017?

It has been interesting weeks so far. For some reason, this starting of the year collection has been pretty tight and right. At least for entertainment side, watching The Great Wall has been somewhat quite entertaining - sure the reviews are not great, but I still entertained watching it on theater. TV series - well, Sherlock season 4 definitely helps. Entering the third and final week of the season next week, TV series is looking quite nice so far.

I want to talk besides work and study - so let's just head straight to the COLLECTION stuff. I'm talking action figures, die-cast cars, plastic models, statues, comic books, et cetera. I personally have something on mind this year.

Last year is pretty much dominated by Marvel universe and Star Wars universe action figures. At least I thought it was. Looking back 2016, starting with Deadpool on early 2016, followed by Captain America Civil War and X-Men by summer, and closed with Rogue One: A Star Wars story. So, I'm pretty sure that merchandising at least for Q3 and Q4 are dwindling on sales.

Maybe it is or it is not - what I'm pretty sure is that 2016 peaked on summer and it has been pretty downhill from there. I personally am not eager with the Rogue One, as I have perceived it with skepticism and thought that the Rogue One thing is just another one of Disney campaign on milking the Star Wars universe merchandise.

I love Star Wars, and I'm a sucker for their merchandises - but looking at Rogue One and how they releasing the Stormtrooper design and AT-AT walker, plus some new characters, I just thought that it seems pretty much if I started to collect it all AGAIN. And since I have a new project to start this year, I instead looked for something valuable to collect during that Rogue One campaign, and ends up only collecting K2SO. There are some story when I hunt for K2SO figure, which started as buying the Lego K2SO figure - but then I have to sell it, since it doesn't really reflects my joy when I purchase it. Personally, looking at the Lego K2SO figure doesn't really show the uniqueness of K2SO slender figure. It just looks like a tall figure. Instead I found the Black Series one, and sell my Lego to buy the Hasbro version - and I'm pretty happy with that choice.

In anyway, it started to get me thinking that this year I have to be more wise on purchasing what I wanted to collect. So this year, I'm focusing my collection to one particular series. It may not be the best, but I wanted to collect it - and in the end, collections are meant to satisfy your curiosity of the item. So - what to collect this year? I particularly have one series in mind - and I guess it is sync with what to release in movies by this summer :) I will reveal it later - I still need some researching to do, and I hope you will find it intriguing too.


Here's looking at you 2017

As mentioned on my last post - 2016 was bad. But then, maybe I was a little too quick to review. Well, let's do a little flashback.

2016 - the year of monkey in Chinese lunar calendar. I don't really have anymore follow up after that actually - since I'm not INTO zodiac thing. Maybe it is just worth mentioning or something - anyway, I don't really knew if my Chinese zodiac sign is in affect with that year being a monkey year - maybe it is, maybe it is not.

Maybe we should just get right into the fact. Let's see from the global scale to micro scale. That way we can really see how 2016 is happening from top bottom. We can see the large scale that has been in the international news, until personal stuff and trace whether or not it actually relates between external news information to the aspect of my mind. We can see if I am way too moody, or there actually less to celebrate about 2016.

Global scale - let's see, there is war going on in middle east, terrorists group has been invading cities. The residents are either leaving or being held as hostages or prisoners, or even forced to be recruited. Bullets are either in magazines, walls and land, or bodies. Local government helped by international aid has been helping each other to try to occupy the invaded city. Even if succeeded, what's left of the city are just too much left in ruins.

Lots of bombing in Europe, Africa, Middle East and other part of the world. Bombing that was launched in bomber aircraft, until one placed in public area inside of some kind of packages. Terror has been relentless.

Lots of public area shooting too. Schools, bars, disco, and even churches - of course some has been due to insanity or depression, and some others are for idealistic proclaims of a group.

And then celebrities deaths - most Hollywood stuff, some musicians. Either by natural or unnatural cause.

Disaster all over the globe - one particular that just happened in the last few months in Italy. Lots of victims, destruction.

Wow - even just writing the global stuff already made me depressed. I'm not even reach U.S. Election yet. Speaking of which, ever since the election, stock market has been fluctuates up and down in unpredictable manner. I am Indonesian, so now maybe I goes into the more regional news here - my savings has been dropped significantly - some panics actually withdrew all savings because they're just too afraid they will lose it all. At this moment, I try to look other area to invest, to which at some point everything just went down (foreign exchange, gold, oil, silver, and even real estate - maybe not real estate, but it is too late to take action by that time).

Political haywire also happen in Indonesia - there has been rumored of political war between parties. It is like Alien vs Predator slogan - it is their war, and we're the victims. So yeah - it is gloomy.

Into personal thing. I lost my business. I lost my job. I lost contact with business connection. I lost contact of friends. I lost track of my research. I lost hope.

So yeah - I am feeling pretty much depressed right about now. And now we loo into more good things. This time bottom up. I try looking for personal thing that cheer me up or helped me up, and look if the effect can actually affect my mind perceiving the external.

I played lots of games - and knew my favorite one. I laid back much now, and try enjoying stuff I couldn't enjoy much before. One particularly - I've been enjoying Heroes of the Storm. Yes - I Know there's Dota2, and League of Legends, but IDK - HotS just seem more relaxed for me. It actually helps me to express out my emotions (frustration and joy, sometimes just snicker laugh knowing I've been defeated but it seems okay).

This year I've also get back to my love of picture-taking-moment, and I've just recently get back to Facebook again. I've been solid cut off with social media for 2 years now. I left them because of too much negativity - but recently I learned to filter out information I wish to take in. So, instead of looking at stuff that boils my anger, I learned to let go of it. It also helps that I now use youtube to learn basic Tai Chi move. I do it to control my breathing - not to do some martial arts fights or anything. It actually helps controlling your emotion, and also helps to set goal for your daily activities.

Another thing is I learned to control my savings and investment. I learn to withdraw quick, even if the agent or broker says to hold off. This is good - I learn to take control with no outside interference. Now I am learning a lot in all of the investment option that is available to me. My objective now is to listen more, communicate more, and gain information effectively to gain a knowledge in a right manner. Capitalism is evolving - and the new capital worth gain now is the network. And that is my mission this year - less tool acquiring, more network gain.

Into regional or national stuff - economy looks gloom. And at this point, I was like 'feh - we'll see'. See, now I'm trigerred and maybe it's because I've been looking for something right in myself, now the outside news really not affecting me much. There's an investment report by JPMorgan Chase that basically rated Indonesia's obligation investment from OW (Over Weight) to UW (Under Weight), which drops 2 levels and skipped Neutral altogether. How it looks in the future is still unclear, but recently it kind of explains all foreign investor fund withdrawal from Indonesia. In accordance to that report, Indonesia's finance minister cut off all work contract with JPMorgan Chase according to some news I read today. For me, it is a good thing - since now, we can focus on local resources to develop some commerce and businesses.

There's lots of news going on around - and I think it all differs on how we look at it. I believe now is not the time for depression or joy. I think it is time for a realistic measures. After all that, one thing real now is not the hope for winning, or the fear of losing - instead it is the WILL TO FIGHT. I believe now we have to be in motion, be productive, and gather any measure of productivity as we can. Imagine we're cooking a steak - even with all the preparations all perfect, once we started cooking, that's the time to be in motion and adapt. At that time, we may thought that this will be a good steak, or burnt steak - but what real is how we in motion looking at the steak, sprinkle the salt and pepper, flipped the steak, until we rest the steak. At that time, we will never knew if we are winning or losing, but the FIGHT is on - and at that moment, we adapt with the situation. Should we flipped now? do we need more salt? is the fire too big? is it rare, medium, or well-done?

Looking forward to 2017 - I think we should remember these things. BE IN MOTION, FIGHT WHILST LOOKING FOR RESOURCES, and ADAPT TO WHAT YOU EARN. Winning or Losing are just the end of the game - but while the game is still on, we need to do those three.

2017 - BRING IT ON.


Year 2017 - will it be another 2016?

I haven't write in long. Why?

Just to summarize all things happen in 2016, it has been one of the bad year for me. Everything doesn't seem right, everything just seems off - one thing gained doesn't actually paid off the losses. And I'm not talking about Hollywood celebrities death here - it is sad to have lost talented actors and actresses, but it's not actually losing a close relatives to me.

2016 just feel off. Nothing seems to be on the course. Everything just seem going abruptly out of the track. Once its off, there's nothing to set it straight on the track again. It's just losses. And the price to pay is expensive, sometimes it is irreplaceable. 

Well - I'm one of the people who actually can't wait for it to be over, but then once it is over - I realize there is still homework to do. No planning can help this time, just action. The end result maybe good or bad - but at least, the hope is that there is an ending.

I've seen facebook statuses like these "Happy New Year 2017, please be good". I may not the only one who looks for some redemption this year. Maybe it is not redemption. Not even salvation. Maybe in 2017, all we looking for are just closure.


A guide for toy collectibles: Action Figure pt.3 - Max Factory's Figma

My favorite action figure production... 
I have been saying that word quite frequently - favorite - but well, if you don't like it, why collected it? Or in my case, collect like about 10 to 20 of it. Yes, Max Factory's Figma is actually one action figure manufacture that caught my attention as I begin recently collecting action figures. I say recently, because although the company Max Factory is actually established since 1987, Figma figure actually started to distributed mass produced on 2008. And I begin collecting one ever since I saw what they make with Spider-Man figure - which license for the feature length film is already purchased by Sony Pictures.

Distributed by Good Smile Company worldwide, Figma toy line mainly focused on characters from anime, manga, game, and popular character in Japan. Recently though, they have been entering Marvel Avengers character to produce. It seems like Avengers character is pretty popular for action figure, because as we see in the next manufacture, these characters will keep frequently mentioned.

Max Factory produces other line of product that similar, like FigFix (statue) and Nendoroid by Good Smile company (a big head with small body kind of chibi figures). Their main strong point, and I have to know myself from my own experience by collecting it, is that they produce such a great character resembling the anime or manga persona. The comical sculpting they made on this PVC based model is spot on. If other manufacturers may try to produce the same, but I think Figma brings the most accurate presentation of the anime and manga characters. Other than that, this 6"-7" figures are supported with various figure articulation which make it highly posable. Equipped also with equipments and peripherals from their character references, you can easily pose this figure as near as how they set it on anime, manga, or other references they based on.

They have now expanded a little bit to western characters. To name a few are Michael Jackson, Iron Man, Captain America, Spider-Man, and even Daft Punk. Most of it are great, but some has been critical about the figure for its character portrayal inaccuracies and joint articulation problem. One that has been criticized by fan is Iron Man mk.VII, which is looking great in all possible way, except the joint. Now Figma uses one point articulation system that connected two part of the limb. So to make it highly movable, a quite sizable joint had to be made, and it produce some obvious way to notice that only can be concealed through some right angle. This problem has been noticed particularly on the Iron Man Mk. VII figure and Spider-Man. Even that, these figures still largely hunted by fans, because the character portrayal as well as the costumes are quite detailed.

How about the price though? Well, I usually found them at quite reasonable price, at around the same price range with S.H. Figuarts. Though they have different type of Figma figures released, there's a standard figure, SP which is the Special kind, and EX which is the limited figures. Each has different kind of price range, so you should probably run check on your local preferred shop for quote.


A guide for toy collectibles: Action Figure pt.2 - Hot Toys

Now in for the big guys, this company founded in 2000 in Hong Kong used to mainly produce a 1/6th scale military unit action figure along with their customizable equipments. I still remember the first collection I had, that sadly currently is no longer with me (due to theft). Over the time though this toys manufacture now more focused on creating a replica of characters from the movie blockbusters. They are now have gotten so big, several big name distributor are selling their product worldwide, and the fans have been dying to get the hand of their new product release. This is Hot Toys.

I think the legend starts as they enter the movie blockbuster line up. What used to be we saw the replica of military soldier with all their gadgets and weapons, now they sculpting for the resemblance of movies and popular characters. The feeling may be like having a scaled model of Madame Tussaud replica in your own home with movable limbs. But no one thinks about that, because Madame Tussaud is wax based while Hot Toys is pvc hardenend and sometimes die-cast based. The success started as they releases more and more character resembling the movie original. But in my experience, the boost started as they release Iron Man and Marvel's Avengers. Honestly I started collecting the Hot Toys figure again only after I see how Iron Man mk. VII is sculpted, and I immediately looking for one to own it.

Not all of their figures are perfect though. On the earlier model developed, people have been critical about the character resemblance. But over the time, the sculptors and the production team has been learning and developing from their earlier model. Many recurring characters, especially from the Marvel Avengers series that earlier are nothing near resemble the character in the movies, have later been developed near resembling the character. Just like Black Widow from Iron Man and Avengers series, on earlier model the sculpting is nothing near Scarlet Johanson, the actress playing Black Widow, but then on the Avengers series we can see how the development has changed and looking just like the actress herself.

Now with all the history and personal experience have been described, let me share with you reader my own experience of owning the figure by Hot Toys. One thing you should know and probably expected from this figure is the price. Hot Toys now have different line up of toy collectibles like bust figure, 1/4th scale, cosbaby, etc. But for the 1/6th scale only, most of the figures costs more than at least USD250 Special limited series figures sometimes could cost more than USD700. If that is overpriced or not, I leave all the judgement to you readers or collectors. I myself only could get a hand on several figures that I really REALLY liked. Due to its price, I tend to keep them on the box, or place it on a special showcase (one that is dust proof and humid balanced). That is why I usually look one on bargain price from old model, which usually dropped the price depending on the bargain or the condition of the figure itself.

So about the figure itself? Well - looking for character resemblance from the movies or references are the point of this figure. The articulation of the figure is well made - some wide range of pose can be made, but there's some limitation although not too significant. Some parts are replaceable, and the details are pretty amazing. If you happen to have character that have a light up perks on the screen, the figures might also able to project the same light up like one on the movies. Particularly on Iron Man and Darth Vader model, where they provide batteries for the model so it can light up the arc reactor and hand blaster, or even make Darth Vader speaks some famous words.

Since I like to travel around and took photograph, sometimes I like to take some figures to go and pose them on the background of real landscapes or natural background. I can bring the 6" and 7" figures without a problem, but taking 1/6th scale is just too demanding. This figure is not for adventurous type who wanted a real backdrop for their figures. It will mostly end up indoors or in a studio and showcases.

That being said, I recommend the Iron Man line if you ever wanted to start a collection from Hot Toys. They have different kind of line up for Iron Man only, bust collection, mini bust, 1/6th scale, and cosbaby. The figure itself requires a bit of maintenance, especially for woman characters, because the hair sometimes requires special gel so it may retain it current shape.

Like I said, it is up to you to decide whether it is a good selection for your toy collection, or if you think it is a way overpriced. In my opinion though, sometimes they are all right. It can be overpriced if you don't really know what you're looking for, and end up placing a not fully satisfied piece of object on your surroundings. However, finding the one you liked and placing it can sometimes be a center piece and something to bring up the conversation.

A guide for toy collectibles: Action Figure pt.1 - Bandai S.H. Figuarts

Toys? We no longer call it that - collections, hobbies, collectibles, or some word that empowering. Dolls? Nuh-uh, we call them action figures, figures, statues, arts, anything but dolls!
Over the time these action figures collection has been growing significantly with all new manufacturer lines. Hobbyist and toy collectors should've know some, if not all the name of the manufacturers. But those who just started might not really know the difference between one and another. So to help spreading the information, I would like to describe my own experience collecting some of these items and the difference between one and another. You may know already some of it from looking at one or maybe browsing on the internet, and searching for reviews on youtube. And in this golden age of Internet, I encourage you to look for pros and cons and additional information on Internet.


One of my favorite toy line, Bandai publishes this Tamashii Nations'  product through Bandai corp or Bluefin distribution. One of the longest player in toys, Bandai mainly releases Japan character to be introduced worldwide. Probably Japanese enthusiast will be more likely familiar with this line as it releases mainly Kamen Rider, Ultraman, Mazinger Z, etc. Recently though their product line is becoming more interesting as they have expanding their license to Disney product franchise such as Marvel Avenger's and Star Wars, and some of the DC Comics franchise like their Injustice: Gods among us product line.

Enough with the history, let me tell you a bit of my experience with this product line. Now S.H. Figuarts mainly releases action figures on a 6-7 inch scales depending on the characters. But they also releases statue, under the product name Figuarts Zero. For starting collectors, people might want to familiarize themselves with this, since instead of statue, there's another thing of limited articulated figure, or replaceable statue, or limb movable figure.

It is actually common when people are not aware of this, since many people thought that any toy with the character's face is an action figure. But the difference is actually quite severe, and when you have high expectation of it, sometimes you will be left feeling disappointed. 

Why I like this product line is because of the detail, and the wide range of poses it could be made. Though this product line doesn't provide 100% satisfactory, but I am really quite happy with what they done with this line. The limb articulation, as well as torso, waist, and head are averagely good. One thing they made great is the axle for the joint is colored according to the connected part, so it is well disguised whenever you making a pose for photograph.

Most replaceable parts are usually hands and hand/face. Some replaceable hands are used for different kind of hand gesture, while the face usually for some expression from the referenced characters. Having said that, you should be aware that most limbs are not replaceable, so if it happen to come off - well, it shouldn't have done that. But it is quite rigid, so you should not be afraid of that.

Now if you happen to wanted to collect one, may I recommend you with the Star Wars product line. This line is pretty easy to collect nowadays, especially with the Star Wars the Force Awakens release. Another line to recommend is Marvel's Avengers Age of Ultron - but not all of it is a good collectible item, especially if you wanted something referenced from the movie accuracy. I am really impressed with what they make of Captain America, but the Hulk is not well received by general collectors. 

I recommend you having the S.H. Figuarts line because it's by my opinion the average satisfaction by quality and price. The price ranges from USD50-80, some say it quite cheap compare to others (you'll see), and some may say it quite high for 7" figure, but from that price you can have a great range of posable characters with highly detail characters. The packaging also artistically graph. In my experience, the collectors community for this figure is quite large. Sharing and getting to know the people who own it will be great to expanding your knowledge around toy collectibles.